The golden thread is based on the information and data required through the gateway points of the Building Safety Act 2022 and through the building registration process and safety case. (Source: https://www.goldenthread.co.uk/)
As a key part of this new legislation, it’s vital that those projects that need to put a golden thread in place for their building fully understand the requirements.
Following on from our article Timber Frame Construction and the Building Safety Act 2022, Pinewood Structures wanted to explore this further to help the industry prepare.
//What is the Golden Thread Principle?
The Building Regulations Advisory Committee (BRAC) released a golden thread report which outlines a definition as well as a set of principles, detailing its requirements.
In summary, the definition of the golden thread “is both the information that allows you to understand a building and the steps needed to keep both the building and people safe, now and in the future”. It stores, manages, maintains and retains the information that supports building safety and ensures that the responsible people have access to the right information as and when they require it.
All information is stored digitally and will cover the building’s lifecycle from design, construction, occupation, refurbishment and ongoing management. The golden thread principles go into further detail about the requirements that need to be met in order to meet the government’s expectations and standards.
Here are the ten principles summarised:
- Accurate & Trusted: Responsible persons must be able to use the golden thread to maintain and manage building safety and ensure compliance with building regulations.
- Residents Feeling Secure in Their Homes: A properly maintained golden thread should provide residents the assurance that their building is being managed safely.
- Culture Change: The golden thread will support culture change within the industry as it will require increased competence and capability, different working practices, updated processes and a focus on information management and control.
- Single Source of Truth: With all information together in a single place, the golden thread will reduce duplication and drive accountability and responsibility.
- Secure: The golden thread must be secure to protect personal information, the security of the building/residents, and comply with GDPR legislation.
- Accountable: The golden thread will record changes so there is accountability at every level, from responsible persons to those designing, building or maintaining a building.
- Understandable/Consistent: The information in the golden thread must be clear, understandable and focused on the needs of the user. It should be presented in a way that can be understood, and used by, users.
- Accessible: The information in the golden thread must be accessible, so people can easily find the right information at the right time. The government will set out guidance on how people can apply digital standards to meet these principles.
- Longevity/Durability & Shareability of Information: The golden thread information needs to be formatted in a way that can be easily handed over and maintained over the entire lifetime of a building.
- Relevant/Proportionate: The golden thread information needs to be formatted in a way that can be easily handed over and maintained over the entire lifetime of a building.
//What is the Purpose of the Golden Thread in Construction?
The golden thread in construction was introduced to tackle problems found with key information not being stored effectively, managed competently or made easily available throughout a building’s lifecycle.
This way, every person of responsibility has the ability to clearly understand a building and its safety, both now and in the future. It enables these people to make the best possible decisions regarding design, construction, and operation of their buildings.
As well as this, the golden thread drives the wider digital transformation within the construction industry. By implementing these practices now, it will lead to economic growth, lower carbon emissions and greater sustainability – which also reflects the advantages of timber construction.
//Who Does the Golden Thread Affect in Construction?
The golden thread affects the Dutyholders and Accountable Persons identified by the Building Safety Act 2022 and higher-risk buildings that are at least 18 metres in height or have at least 7 storeys. These individuals are responsible for creating, obtaining, storing and sharing key information in a prescribed format.
The Digital Future of the Construction Industry
It’s important for all building safety that organisations comprehend the definition and principles of the golden thread in construction, so they know what is required from them. Implementing these changes to the current built environment industry will take time, but this is recognised by the government.
If the digital transformation is to start here, then it could be predicted to extend further into the construction industry. In time, it may be possible that it is not only higher-risk buildings requiring the golden thread, but other projects – watch this space.
//Have any further questions?
Pinewood Structures has more than 40 years’ experience in the timber construction industry and are familiar with not only keeping up to date with changing regulations, but looking forward to what’s to come. With the increasing regulation and requirement within the industry, having a partner you can trust is more important than ever – Pinewood Structures are that partner with our range of solutions and certifications.
Choose a resilient and reliable timber solution provider for your next project by calling us on 01767 651218 or filling out our contact form.